
We service and install only the best in home humidification and dehumidification.


The temperature and resulting comfort level in your home is directly affected by the amount of humidity in the air. When air is heated, the “relative humidity” drops and results in static shocks, cracked woodwork and even respiratory issues. Insufficient humidity also makes you feel colder, tempting you to turn the thermostat higher than necessary resulting in higher energy costs. A whole-home humidifier delivers comforting humidity and eliminates all the results of extremely dry air. These systems are designed for simple operation and long life.

These systems work seamlessly with your current heating and cooling systems. Keep your family safer from bacteria and viruses by maintaining the proper amount of humidity in your home. 



A centrally installed dehumidifier works throughout your home to provide dedicated moisture removal more efficiently than your air conditioner. Installed as part of your home’s heating and cooling system, an central dehumidifier pulls air from every room through the return ducts. Then it removes moisture and cycles dry air back throughout your home.


Get the protection you need:

  • In spring and fall when humidity can rise but temperatures aren’t hot enough to use air conditioning.
  • When excess moisture is more than your air conditioner can handle alone.
  • In higher-efficiency, tighter homes when air conditioning doesn’t need to run as long, but trapped moisture continues to build.